Since the beginning of 2020, a new respiratory infection outbreak called COVID-19 has spread and disseminated panic rapidly to the rest of the world. Fear of the disease, financial uncertainty, loss of lives, or confinement and other restraints to the ongoing pandemic crisis have changed the daily lives of many people.
The numbers of confirmed cases of the disease is on the rise in our country where concern has affected most of its operations. Our national and local government have imposed strict controls, which has helped to slow the spread of the virus, but also caused hardship for everyone, especially for poor families.
Concern is right there in the fight amidst global crisis. Concern of hardworking frontliners to treat the sick, concern of the government to ensure the health of people in the community, concern of parents and stakeholders for the school and concern of teachers who have remained resilient and motivated for the continuity of education of our children.
No matter who we are or what our situations, we can make a difference this time of pandemic. Even if we’re quarantined at home, there are still many ways to get involved and give back, like donating money, food or supplies, volunteering virtually, and checking in on people who might need support.
There are always some things we can do to help. We will all come through this a lot better if we cope by helping hand in hand instead of spreading hurts. Let us all show love and concern for each other because we need each other.
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