Because of the Covid-19 pandemic we have been experiencing since in the last seven months, no public transportation was allowed during the enhanced community quarantine. Bicycle became bloom as means of transportation. Bicycle shops are in demand and on top. Many people buy bicycle for their service to go to their respective work because of the limited transportation. In San Jose City, people are proposing to have a space for the bicycle lane where in only be exclusive for bicycle rider or commuter.
Meanwhile, Civid-19 may be stressful for people. Fear of anxiety about the disease and overwhelming cause of strong emotions not just among adults but also for children. However, there is a form of exercise which could diminish your stress and anxiety – biking. Biking is an aerobic activity that works out your heart, blood vessels and lungs. It is also a sports and form of exercise. Biking for an hour everyday does a lot of good improvement to your overall fitness level and it is not just because these rides can keep you fit but it deals with a top-notch cardio work out.
by: Leoriwingil Seriosa
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